06 May 2013

Year Two | August 2010 through August 2011

This is part of the list of all topics/videos on The Pagan Perspective collaborative channel (as seen on YouTube). Look here to see what we've done before, and use your computer's Find function (Ctrl + F or Cmd + F) to look up keywords. You can also search keywords directly on the channel page.


This year started with a vacation/holiday for our regular weekly hosts, giving the subs a few weeks to cover topics on their own. We did have at least two subs at this point, maybe more, but only Sissors posted each week.

1. More on Protective Magick [SUBS]

2. Dream Catchers [SUBS]

3. Restricted Practice [SUBS] (Things like being under 18 and living with parents who don't approve, practicing at a place like college/uni that doesn't allow candles and other items, etc.)

*SEPT 2010*

4. Re-Introduction of Current Members (Not all the same as the original members, and we've gained and lost several in between.)
Cara: OH HI, CARA!
Dancing Rabbit: Reintroduction

5. Introducing New Substitutes: Anni, Feather, & Richard

6. Favorite Magickal Items: Trees, Herbs, Oils, Fragrances, &c.
Sissors: Favorite herbs
Dancing Rabbit: Plants, Trees and Incense

7. Initiations in our Practice, or in our Lives
Waide: Initiation
Anni: Initiation
Dancing Rabbit: Dedication and Initiation

*OCT 2010*

8. Threefold Law
Dancing Rabbit: Instant Karma

9. Visiting Churches, Ethical or No?
Dancing Rabbit: Ethics of Visiting Churches
Cara (on personal channel): Pagans in Church?!

10. The Need for Balance
Dancing Rabbit: The Dark

11. Honoring Ancestors
Sissors: Using Ancestors
Dancing Rabbit: The Ancestors

12. Spiritual Gaps [SUBS]
Feather: Missing Pieces


13. Spiritual Materialism

14. Starting Out, Resources & Simple Questions
Dancing Rabbit: Teachers and Mentors

15. Psychic Gifts
Dancing Rabbit: Psychic Powers

16. Gypsy Magick [SUBS]


17. Dealing with Stereotypes

18. Yule
Dancing Rabbit: Celebrating...

19-20 Holiday Break, no videos until new year.

*JAN 2011*

21. Candles, Blessings, Centering, & Smudging
DR & Feather: Saturday Smorgasbord

22. Mojo Bags
Cara: Cara's Mojo
Dancing Rabbit: Dancing Rabbit's Mojo Bag

23. Working vs. Ritual Pentacle, as discussed in The Craft by Dorothy Morrison
Dancing Rabbit: Pentacles

24. Tools for Travel [SUBS]
Feather: Witchcraft To Go

*FEB 2011*

25. Numerology
Anni: Numerology
Dancing Rabbit: Magickal Numbers

26. Mythical Animals
Dancing Rabbit: Dragons

27. Pagan Parenting & Teen Witchcraft

28. Channeling energy from a location using a physical object. [SUBS]

*MARCH 2011*

29. Feeling the Pull of Energy

30. Connection & Disconnection, 3 specific questions
Dancing Rabbit: Connections

31. Ostara Prep, Gardening & Herbs

32. Concepts of Deity as Literal or Symbolic

33. Brewing Tips [SUBS]
Anni: Brews
Richard: Oils and Brews

*APRIL 2011*

34. Daily Practice
Sissors: Daily Practice
Dancing Rabbit: Daily Spiritual Rituals

35. Invo-/Evocation of Spirits
Feather: Invocation
Waide: IN/EV-Voke!

36. "Evil" (Using the word "evil" versus "unwelcome" in the Rede, and what we think "evil" means in general.)
Anni: On Evil
Cara: "Evil"
Sissors: Evil
Dancing Rabbit: Evil: Pagan Style

37. Beltane [SUBS]
Richard: BELTANE

*MAY 2011*

38. Spiritual Goals/Expectations for the Year
Feather: Spiritual Goals
Sissors: Witchie Goals
Dancing Rabbits: Goals?

39. Personal Gain, where to draw the line
Dancing Rabbit: Ethics in Healing Spells

40. Experiences of being Guided to/from something

41. Communicating with Guides [SUBS]
Feather: Spirit Guides
Dancing Rabbit: Two Strikes
Richard: Spirit Guides

*JUNE 2011*

42. 2012 / The End of the World
Waide: 2012
Dancing Rabbit: Apocalypse 2012

43. Anything about CHAKRAS.
Anni: The Chakras
Eric: Chakra Runes
Dancing Rabbit: Chakra Meditation

44. Magick in Pop Culture
Dancing Rabbit: Magick in Pop Culture?

45. Ritual Clothing/Nudity
Dancing Rabbit: Ritual Clothing or Skyclad

46. Cleaning before a Holiday [SUBS]
Brendan: Clean space

*JULY 2011*

47. What We Call Ourselves--Pagan, Wiccan, Witch, and others.
Waide: Label Loopy
Feather: Whats in a name?
Dancing Rabbit: Which is witch?

48. Following the opposite gendered diety: Men following Goddess, Women following God.

49. Akasha/Spirit/Fifth Element

50. Who Do You Work With? Deities, pantheons, other beings like angels, spirits, the fae, etc. [SUBS]

*AUGUST 2011*

51. More Restricted Practice (safer alternatives for college), Energy Flow (do piercings or tattoos mess up the flow of energy?), Animals in Circle.
Feather: Three Questions
Dancing Rabbit: Three Burning Questions

52. Deity & Magick
Dancing Rabbit: How important is belief anyway?


This is the end of Year Two! Click on tabs at the top of the page to check out other years.