August 2018
**Happy Anniversary to the collab this month!**
Subs have multiple weeks in August, celebrating the anniversary.1. BOS/Grimoire/Journaling (THROWBACK topic)
Rich: Shadowy Books and Boxes
Cara: What do You mean? BOS, Grimoire?
JD: Digital vs hard copy of book of shadows
Meghan: Family Book of Shadows
2. Magical Living Spaces
Rich: Outside Reflects Inside
Cara: Comfort, Convenience, & Lighting
Yucca: Tools and Rooms of a Pagan Home
JD: Special Arrangement
Meghan: Magickal Home
3. Choose Your Own Adventure [SUBS]
Danni: A Druid's Magical Home Renovation
Angel: Writings!
Angelo: Books!
4. Choose Your Own Adventure [SUBS]
Danni: A Druid's Book of Awen
Angelo: Passing It On
5. Divination Favorites
Rich: For the Love of Divination
Cara: Divination Favorites
Yucca: It helped me through a tragic time
JD: Tarot and Boards
Meghan: Divine Divination
6. Protection and Defensive Magic
Rich: Magical Consequences
Cara: Protection and Defensive Magick
Yucca: Should we protect ourselves?
JD: Turn the Cheek
Meghan: Magical Protection
7. Befriending Christians
Cara: Suspending Beliefs
Yucca: How Do We Respect Someone Who Doesn't Respect Us?
JD: Christian pagan relations.
8. Befriending Christians [SUBS]
Danni: Are Druids Going to Hell and Other Conversations with Christians
Angelo: Befriending Christians
9. Paying for Classes
Rich: Pay Up
Cara: Relative Worth - Paying for Pagan/Witchy Classes
Yucca: Paying for Pagan Classes
JD: How much to learn the ways of the Cunning folk?
Meghan: Learning Styles and Pagan Schools
10. Celibacy
Rich: Taking The Vows
Cara: Pagan Celibacy & Expectations
Yucca: Pagan Celibacy
JD: Sex, paganism, and the church
11. Pagan Artistry
Rich: Artfully Pagan
Cara: Pagan Artistic Endeavors
JD: Pagan art expression
Meghan: Pagan art
12: Your Least Favorite Sabbats
Danni: Sabbats that just don't fit
Cara: Least Liked Sabbats
Yucca: Not connecting with a holiday. . .
JD: When you just don't feel it anymore.
Meghan: Pagan Holidays
13. Being Pagan is Great! [SUBS]
Danni: What Druidry Brings to the World
Angelo: Why Being Pagan is Great
September 2018
Rich: For the Love of Divination
Cara: Divination Favorites
Yucca: It helped me through a tragic time
JD: Tarot and Boards
Meghan: Divine Divination
6. Protection and Defensive Magic
Rich: Magical Consequences
Cara: Protection and Defensive Magick
Yucca: Should we protect ourselves?
JD: Turn the Cheek
Meghan: Magical Protection
7. Befriending Christians
Cara: Suspending Beliefs
Yucca: How Do We Respect Someone Who Doesn't Respect Us?
JD: Christian pagan relations.
8. Befriending Christians [SUBS]
Danni: Are Druids Going to Hell and Other Conversations with Christians
Angelo: Befriending Christians
October 2018
Rich: Pay Up
Cara: Relative Worth - Paying for Pagan/Witchy Classes
Yucca: Paying for Pagan Classes
JD: How much to learn the ways of the Cunning folk?
Meghan: Learning Styles and Pagan Schools
10. Celibacy
Rich: Taking The Vows
Cara: Pagan Celibacy & Expectations
Yucca: Pagan Celibacy
JD: Sex, paganism, and the church
11. Pagan Artistry
Rich: Artfully Pagan
Cara: Pagan Artistic Endeavors
JD: Pagan art expression
Meghan: Pagan art
12: Your Least Favorite Sabbats
Danni: Sabbats that just don't fit
Cara: Least Liked Sabbats
Yucca: Not connecting with a holiday. . .
JD: When you just don't feel it anymore.
Meghan: Pagan Holidays
13. Being Pagan is Great! [SUBS]
Danni: What Druidry Brings to the World
Angelo: Why Being Pagan is Great
November 2018
14. Politics and Paganism
Rich: Politics & Religion
Cara: Paganism & Politics
15. Things We Collect
Rich: The Pagan Collector
Danni: A Druid's Book Collection
Meghan: Witchy Collections
16. Counting Our Blessings - What does it mean? How do we do it?
Rich: Thankful for Blessings
17. Share a Tradition You Love [SUBS]
Danni: A Druid's Tree Day Tradition
Angelo: My Morning Ritual
December 2018
18. Giving Gifts
Rich: Gifts to Give
Cara: Giving & Receiving Gifts
19. Birth - Both literal and figurative
*Goodbye, Danni! And happy travels on the rest of your journey!*
21. - Weeks off for holiday break!
January 2019
Rich: A Hard Reboot
Cara: Welcome Back! Goal Update
Yucca: Success and Failure in 2018
Alduin*: From 2018 to 2019 and beyond
Meghan: Trip a little Life Fantastic!
*JD (the initials of their personal YouTube channel) started introducing themselves as Alduin in videos during 2018, so the blog has been updated starting with the 2019 videos to reflect that.*
24. Advice for Starting a Pagan YouTube Channel
Rich: Starting Your Pagan YouTube Channel
Cara: Ten Years on YouTube makes me ANCIENT
Alduin: Things that could help build a pagan channel
25. Our Turn to ask the viewers some questions!
Rich: Flippin' The Script
Cara: What I want to know from YOU!
Yucca: A Question for YOU! (Interactive)
Alduin: It's your turn!
26. New Calendar Year, New Substitute Hosts, New Introductions! [SUBS]
Tim: New Year, New Subs, New Goals
Meg: New Year, New subs
Eryk: The Wizard of Aus | Introducing Me!
Magic: Eclectic Witch (My introduction video)
Angelo: New Year, Angelo's reintroduction
February 2019
27. Open/Public Circles & Pagan Community
Yucca: Open and Closed Circles?
Meghan: Pagan Community
Rich: Ortho- What?
Cara: Belief & Practice
Tim: Beliefs vs Practices
Alduin: Remnants of past lives
29. Feeling & Thinking - Questioning our own spiritual experiences
Rich: Wings Abound
29. Feeling & Thinking - Questioning our own spiritual experiences
Rich: Wings Abound
Yucca: What Do Golden Wings Mean?
Meghan: Physical Self and Energy Self
30. Does our path influence our career choice? [SUBS]
Angelo: Career path and out tradition
Magic: Being a Pagan Author
Rich: The Path To... Here
Yucca: Raised This Way
Rich: Witchy Media Effects
Yucca: Witches in the Media
Rich: Which Witch Was First
Eyrk: "The First Witch"
Meghan: Ancient Witches
Meg: Pagan Inspiration
Eyrk: Pagans I Look Up To
Tim: Pagan Inspiration
Rich: Elementally Earth
Yucca: What Are The Elements?
Rich: Little Witchling Studies
Yucca: Pagan Family Practice
Meghan: Pagan Families
Alduin: Worlds of the astral and beyond
38. Familiars vs. Pets - What's the difference?
Rich: Getting Familiar with Familiars
38. Familiars vs. Pets - What's the difference?
Rich: Getting Familiar with Familiars
Meghan: Familiars and Family
Alduin: Animals in practice
39. Choose Your Own Adventure! [SUBS]
This week the Substitute Hosts choose their own adventure from any topic the full time hosts have covered so far in 2019.
Meg: The Elements & Family Practice
39. Choose Your Own Adventure! [SUBS]
This week the Substitute Hosts choose their own adventure from any topic the full time hosts have covered so far in 2019.
Meg: The Elements & Family Practice
Angelo: Adventure Week
Tim: The year so far
Magic: Advice for Making a Pagan Youtube Channel!
May 2019
40. Disconnected from the Gods.
Rich: Disconnected Deity
Yucca: How to CONNECT with NATURE
Tim: Divine Connection
Alduin: How to connect with Deity
41. Crystals?
Rich: Crystal Connections
Yucca: Instead of Crystals...
Meghan: What's your Passion?
Alduin: Stones in my practice.
42. Thought Forms
Rich: I Think So It Is
Yucca: What Habits Do We Feed?
Alduin: Building thought forms
43. Music! [SUBS]
Meg: Music
Tim: 'Pagan' Music
June 2019
44. Permaculture and Our Environment
Rich: Environmentally Minded
Alduin: Plant life in my practice.
45. Path Comparisons
Alduin: Your path viewed next to others.
46. Path Inspirations
Rich: Models of Roles
Alduin: The ones that make a mark
47. Disconnected from the Gods [SUBS]
July 2019
48. Ethics and Morality
Cara: Questions of Ethics
Yucca: What makes us us
Alduin: To War or not to War
49. Creatures, Mystical and Otherwise
Rich: Real Mythical Creatures
Yucca: Y Ddraig Goch
50. Wise Ones We Watch
Rich: Witchy Ones We Watch
Eyrk: Which Witches' Wisdom?
51. Frequency of Practice
Cara: Practicing our Beliefs
Yucca: Daily Pagan Practice
Alduin: Are you really a Pagan?
52. How to approach the topic of your practice with new people [SUBS]
Angelo: Breaking the Ice with new people
Topics list still in progress. Getting a few months done at a time. =)