All the topics covered by The Pagan Perspective collaborative channel on YouTube. August 2009 to present.
08 January 2018
Year Eight | August 2016 - August 2017
This is part of the list of all topics/videos on The Pagan Perspective collaborative channel (as seen on YouTube). Look here to see what we've done before, and use your computer's Find function (Ctrl + F or Cmd + F) to look up keywords. You can also search keywords directly on the channel page.
*AUGUST 2016* **Happy Anniversary to the collab this month!**
Subs have multiple weeks at the end of August, celebrating the anniversary.
52. The Witchy/Pagan Media that Shaped Our Paths
Rich: Witchy Movie Magic
Cara: Witchy Influences
Angel: Media Path Shaping
Meghan: Magic and Muggles
Brendan: The influence of moving pictures
1. People who don't want to do their own work/research. (Not walking the walk.)
Rich: Right Teacher... Wrong Student?
Cara: There's Some Homework (Walk the Walk)
Angel: Walk the Walk
Coty: Pagan Learning Styles
JD: Persuasive prerequisites
Brendan: Fresh event attendees
2. Opinions on Tattoos
Rich: Tattooing It Up... or not.
Cara: Tattoos &c.
Angel: Tattoos
Meghan: Maui Ink
Brendan: Ink it to me.
3. Worshiping Non-Traditional Deities, Urban Deity, etc. [SUBS]
Danni: Urban Deity and Animism
JD: nontraditional God and goddesses
Angelo: Non-Traditional Gods
Charly: I Want To Worship Dogs
4. Beginning a Pagan Practice to Match Pagan Beliefs (Orthopraxis & Orthodoxy) [SUBS]
Danni: Create A Pagan Practice
JD: Orthopraxy vs Orthodoxy
Angelo: Breaking Orthodoxy
Charly: Finding Freedom as a Pagan Witch
5. What Makes a Druid a Druid? What makes a Witch, a Witch? What makes our path what it is?
Rich: What Makes a Practice?
Cara: What Makes a Witch?
Angel: In the making of...
Yucca: To Be A Pagan Is...
Meghan: What makes us... US!
Brendan: That makes me a?
6. Gemstones & Crystals
Rich: Stones, Rocks, and What-nots
Cara: Cara's Top Crystals
Yucca: Tools to Manifest (gems)
Meghan: The more you know!
7. Our Favorite Witchy/Pagan Music
Rich: Spiritual Playlist
Cara: Music of my Path
Angel: Pagan Music
Yucca: Music, Our Practices, and Happy Mabon!
Meghan: My Pagan Playlist
Brendan: Witchy beats
8. How did we get started on our path? [SUBS]
Danni: My Path to Druidry
JD: How did you find your pagan path?
Angelo: How I got started
Charly: How I Rediscovered My Path As A Witch
*OCTOBER 2016*
9. Prices for Magickal Items
Rich: Witchy Shopping
Cara: About the Price Tag
Angel: What's in a price tag?
Yucca: The Price of Magical Items
Brendan: The price of magic
JD and Angel switched--JD is now a regular weekly host, and Angel is a substitute host.
10. Troubles Connecting With/To Nature
Rich: Nature Connection Issues
Cara: Connecting with Nature
JD: Connecting with nature and grounding
Yucca: To Connect with Nature
Meghan: Connection Question
Brendan: Roots down and branches up!
11. Using Bones and other remains in our practice
Rich: Using What Remains
Cara: Life & Death, Earth & Bones
JD: To use bone or not to use bone?
Yucca: Life is a Fabric of Trillions of Little Deaths
Meghan: Can bones consent?
Brendan: The work of what remains
12. Our Experience with Pagan Meet-ups and Events
Danni: Meeting with Local Druids
Cara: Pagan Events, and Friends of Friends
JD: Pagan meet up
Yucca: Pagan Gatherings
Meghan: Faires, Festivals and Prides, Oh My!
Brendan: Meet me at the place at the agreed time
13. Color Magic(k) [SUBS]
Danni: Color In Magic
Angel: The magic in colors...
Angelo: Colors
Charly: How I Put A Spell on My Day & Mood | Color Magic
14. Cyber Bullying
Rich: There's A Troll On The Channel!
Cara: Cyber Bullying & Digital Media
JD: cyber bullying and thought form attack
Yucca: Two Spells for Healing from Bullies and Emotional Abuse
Meghan: Love Trumps Hate
Brendan: Bugger off bullies
15. Witchy/Pagan Subscription Boxes
Rich: Mail order Witch
Cara: Witch-in-a-Box
JD: witch box greatness
Yucca: What Makes an Item Pagan/Meaningful?
Brendan: Packaged Witchcraft
16. Have we created any holidays or important dates in our path?
Rich: The Rite Holiday?
Charly: It's My Rite
JD: My pacts
Yucca: Not So Ordinary Holidays
Meghan: Samhain-giving
Brendan: Rite Celebrations
17. Dealing with Fluctuations in Energy: Highs and Lows [SUBS]
Danni: Responding to Energy Fluctuations
Angel: Those highs and lows!
Angelo: Energy Flux
Charly: It's Ok To Be Low | A Spell For This, A Spell For That
18. "Spirit Keeping"
Rich: Keeping The Spirit
Cara: Spirit Connections
JD: bound spirits, thought forms and demons
Yucca: To Bind or Not to Bind (a Spirit)
Meghan: Genie in a Bottle
Brendan: Housing the Spirits
19. Burial Rites of Our Paths [SUBS]
Danni: Druid Burial Rites
Angelo: Hellenic burial rituals & rites
Angel: Burial Rites!
21. Holiday break!
Extra video--
Angelo: Winter Solstice Solace
**JANUARY 2017** The links for 2017 are in the process of being added! Thank you!
22. Shifting Practices and Changing Views
Rich: Evolution of Practice
Cara: Sometimes, Things Change
JD: New Path?
Yucca: Labels are to serve us, not the other way around + Wheel of the year and life seasons
Meghan: New Year New Label?
Brendan: Evolving with the times
23. Pagan Elders
Rich: Elders Among Us
Cara: Who Are Our Elders?
JD: The leaders of my path.
Yucca: Who are our elders?
24. Wands, Athames, and Direction of Energy
Rich: Wands At the Ready... Athames Welcome Too
Cara: Wands, Athames, & Energy Direction
JD: Wands and athames
Danni: A Druid's Staff
Meghan: Athames and Wands, Oh My!
Brendan: A couple tools of the trade
25. Pagan Group Commitment Issues?
Rich: Privileged Coven Members
Cara: Group Dynamics, Seekers & Leaders
Yucca: Pagan Group Conflict!
Meghan: Conflict and Communication
Brendan: Wrongly committed?
26. Shifting Practices and Changing Views [SUBS]
Danni: Identity Changes
Angel: How we identify...
Angelo: Evolving Identity
27. The Price of Magic(k)
Rich: The Price of Magick
Cara: Being Scared, Being Prepared (Price of Magick)
JD: bad mojo
Yucca: Is Magic Dangerous? (The Price of Magic)
Meghan: Bang for your Buck
Brendan: Just do all the spells
28. Pagan Views on Psychic (Psi) Vampires
Rich: Energy Vampires
Cara: Psychic Vampires vs Psi Vamps
JD: Friendly neighborhood Psychic Vampirism
Yucca: Acceptance in the Pagan Community (Psychic Vampires)
Brendan: Suck it up
29. Thoughts on Inspired Writings or Prophecy
Rich: Inspired By Prophesy
Cara: Prophecy & Inspiration, Thoughts
Angelo: Prophetic Writings
Brendan: Write it down
30. Working with Symbols [SUBS]
Angelo: Power of Symbols
*MARCH 2017*
31. How Big is Magick's Role in Our Practice?
Rich: That Magical Accessory
Cara: How Much Magick?
JD: Ritual versus magic.
Yucca: The Magic of our Paths
Meghan: A Magickal Life
Danni: Finding Empowerment in Everyday Magic
32. Numerology & Some Must-Read Books
Rich: Numbers To Read
Cara: Numerology, Names, & Drawing Down the Moon
JD: The numbers o my!
Yucca: We Can't Know Everything - Numerology & Books
Meghan: Numbers and Books
Brendan: Numbers and must reads
33. What would we do if there were a Religious Registry?
Rich: Religiously Registered
Cara: Hi, I'm a Pagan/Witch
JD: Would I let them know?
Meghan: Religious Registration
Brendan: You can register this
34. Secret Societies & Dreams [SUBS]
Danni: Secret Societies and the Dream World
Angel: Secret societies and dreams!
Charly: My Grandmother is in a Secret Society
*APRIL 2017*
35. Apps for our Paths
Rich: My Life in Apps
Cara: Path-Enhancing Apps
JD: Witchy applications!
Yucca: Apps for our paths
Meghan: Witchy Apps and Pagan Planners
36. Meme Magick?
Rich: Magic in the Memes
Cara: On Memes and Magick
JD: Meme Magick!
Yucca: Is There Magic in Memes?
Meghan: Memes and Accents
Charly: Meme Magick
37. Self Magic(k). Have we heard of it?
Rich: Magick of Self
Cara: Self Magick is Magick
JD: Satan Magick
Meghan: Totality of Magick
38. Paganism & Unitarian Universalism, CUUPS (Covenant of UU Pagans) [SUBS]
Danni: Druidry and CUUPS
*MAY 2017*
39. How Does Christian Privilege Affect Our Lives as a Religious Minority?
Rich: Privileged Christians?
Cara: Religious Privilege
JD: Special privilege
Yucca: The Oppression-Privilege Coin
Meghan: Privilege
Brendan: Let's talk privilege
40. Honoring Our Ancestors
Rich: Ancestor Veneration
Cara: My Ancestors
JD: Your Ancestors spirits
Yucca: Circles within Circles - Honoring our Ancestors in Daily Life
Meghan: Every day Ancestors
Brendan: Three threads of Ancestry
41. The Fae, Fairies
Rich: I Do Believe in Faeries
Danni: Druids and Fairies
JD: Your Fae past
Yucca: What are the Fae?
Brendan: Fae-bulous
42. People Who Begin Their Pagan Path Later in Life (Not all newbies are teens!)
Rich: Older Pagan Practitioners
Cara: Older Newbie Pagans
JD: Sage / crown Pagans
Meghan: It is NEVER too late!!
Brendan: Open for young and old
43. Incense [SUBS]
Danni: My Favorite Incense for Druidry
Angel: My favorite incense
*JUNE 2017*
44. Personal Protection Practices
Rich: Personal Protective Measures
Cara: Handling Negative Energy
JD: Fortress protection
Yucca: Negativity from Inside
Meghan: No negativity allowed! ;)
45. Pop Culture Pantheons
Rich: Pop Culture Paganism
Cara: Pop Pantheons--If we had to pick?
Yucca: A Martian God
Brendan: Divine pop culture
JD: Ninja Gods from outer space
46. Handling Our Mental Health
Rich: Pagan Mental Health Practices
Cara: Mental Health & My Practice
JD: Mental health for the Magick practitioner
Yucca: Neurodiversity, Society and Paganism
Meghan: Paganism and Mental Health
Brendan: Is it all in my head?
47. Family & Friends' Reactions to Our Paths [SUBS]
Angel: My people and my path!
Angelo: Family & Friends Reaction to our Path
*JULY 2017*
48. Praying as a Pagan
Rich: Prayers to...?
Cara: Praying Pagans
JD: Your Pagan prayers.
Yucca: Pagan Prayers to the Rain Storm
Meghan: Say a little Prayer!
Brendan: Praying away
49. Concealment & Silence in the Craft
Rich: Concealing the Craft
Cara: Concealment & Silence
JD: Hidden Magick
Yucca: Does it help to keep your magic secret?
Brendan: Covering up your work
50. Connecting the Emotional, Mental, Physical, and Spiritual
Rich: Connection in Life
Cara: Emotional, Spiritual, Physical Path
Yucca: Everyday Spiritual in Practice
Meghan: Put it all in the Cauldron!
Brendan: Putting it all together
51. What were our First Spells? [SUBS]
Danni: Danni's First Spells
Angel: Spellcrafting!
August 2017 begins the next post for Year Nine!
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